The Future Of Television. Dissected Daily.
‘Suits: LA’ Owes Its Existence to ‘Suits’ Becoming a Transformative Streaming Success
Using Parrot Analytics data, we can measure the sizable value Suits has generated across several streaming platforms, which ultimately led to Suits: LA.
Netflix's Original Film Problem: More Movies, Less Demand
Netflix revolutionized how we watch television, but its ambitious venture into original films appears to be flatlining with users. New data from Parrot Analytics reveals a concerning trend: as Netflix floods its library with more original movies, viewer interest continues to decline.
Animation Is Netflix’s Secret Weapon—Just Not In Theaters
Netflix's animated series resonate on TV. Its theatrical efforts? Not so much. Brandon Katz breaks it down.
Amazon Vs. Netflix: The Battle For Hollywood’s Biggest Hits
Amazon is aggressively expanding its movie catalog, securing new licensing deals, and investing in original films as it prepares to battle Netflix for movie library supremacy.
How Netflix Rules Main Street As Well As Wall Street
Netflix was not only the most-watched among the streaming platforms, but it also ranked highest for overall experience, content appeals and ad experience.
Measurement Is A Lot Like Politics, The Oscars And The Future Of Film
Nielsen isn’t going anywhere and why that actually benefits their newly ascendant rivals, plus how the Oscars can help make movies great again.
Wall Street Loves Netflix, Contextual Is Having A Moment
Netflix’s numbers look strong but there are still a number of unanswered questions about their subscriber base. Plus some stats on why contextual targeting is so hot right now.
5 Netflix Insights In 2024 That Are Shaking Up The Streaming World
In 2024, Netflix continues to refine its strategy with a focus on subscriber retention, high-quality content, earned media, and smart investments in live sports, ensuring its position as a leader in the streaming industry.
The Times' Peak Snobbery: Why ‘Mid TV’ Is Actually What Viewers Want
The Times TV Critic is dismayed by the arrival of what he calls “Mid TV.” But are greedy executives to blame or just mainstream tastes?
Netflix KOs Other Streamers for Earned Media Value
The Tyson vs. Paul match fueled a month-over-month increase in EMV for Netflix, per CreatorIQ.
Demographics Are Destiny: Streaming’s Growth Playbook
Different streamers appeal to different demographics. Brandon Katz explains why they need to stop being so complacent about who is watching.
Hot List: Biting The Hand That Feeds You
TVREV & Measure treats from Hanlon, Wolk, Katz, Cassillo and Semeraro.
Hot List: Stuffed with TVREV Originals
From all of us at TVREV, we wish you a HAPPY THANKSGIVING. Here’s some Sunday reading that still tastes good on Monday
Hooked On Netflix: Analyzing The Streaming Giant’s Low Churn Rates
Netflix’s rock-bottom churn rates are the envy of the streaming industry. Brandon Katz explains why that’s no accident.
Who Cares if it Was Fixed? It was Fun!
ICYMI News From Your Friends At TVREV and The Measure
RIP Freevee, Ad-Supported Netflix Turns Two
Amazon finally euthanizes Freevee, folding it into Prime. Meanwhile Netflix releases big new subscriber numbers but what do they really mean?
Data: Netflix Beats Other Streamers for Content Appeal
The red giant also ranks highest for overall experience and ad experience, per data from MX8 Labs.
TV’s Coming Political Ad Hangover, The Growing Value Of The TV OS
The loss of $16B in political ad dollars is going to be tough for the industry to get used to. Some tips on how to cope. Plus a look at why the TV OS is more important than ever and a non-partisan political observation.
Less Is The New More. How Netflix Is Adapting To A Shrinking Originals Market
As the number of originals shrinks, Netflix has managed to keep its subscriber base. But can the industry adjust to the new reality?
Among Subscription Streamers, Disney+ Stands Out for Viewer Ad Recall
As part of its study on streaming platforms, MX8 Labs surveyed viewers about brand recall, attention and if ads actually influenced them to make a purchase.