The Future Of Television. Dissected Daily.
‘Suits: LA’ Owes Its Existence to ‘Suits’ Becoming a Transformative Streaming Success
Using Parrot Analytics data, we can measure the sizable value Suits has generated across several streaming platforms, which ultimately led to Suits: LA.
Too Much Drama? Why Streaming’s Top Genre May Be Overloaded
Streaming services lean heavily on dramas for their content libraries. But maybe too heavily—other genres may yield better retention and acquisition rates.
5 Netflix Insights In 2024 That Are Shaking Up The Streaming World
In 2024, Netflix continues to refine its strategy with a focus on subscriber retention, high-quality content, earned media, and smart investments in live sports, ensuring its position as a leader in the streaming industry.
Apple TV+'s Library Is 4K% Smaller Than Netflix. That Hasn't Impacted Revenue. Yet.
Apple’s not-very-big library has not proved to be an issue to day—even with a price hike last year. But is that a viable long-term strategy? Brandon Katz explores.
Hooked On Netflix: Analyzing The Streaming Giant’s Low Churn Rates
Netflix’s rock-bottom churn rates are the envy of the streaming industry. Brandon Katz explains why that’s no accident.
Streaming’s Next Big Bet: Global Content That Speaks to Zoomers
Why streaming platforms are turning to anime and global content as powerful tools to engage and retain Zoomers in the U.S.
The Zendaya Effect: Turning Every Release Into A Cultural Moment
How successful franchises create cross-pollinating funnels of viewer interest, driving renewed engagement with older installments at a low cost.
The Disney+/Hulu Combo Platter: Ultimate Churn Solution Or Too Much Of A Good Thing?
Is the combination of Hulu’s new content with Disney’s classics the right way to keep viewers in place? Or is single-serve the way to go? Brandon Katz has some thoughts.
Universal Hit Or Olympic Miss? Peacock’s $2 Bet On Subscriber Loyalty
NBCU announced plans to raise the price of Peacock… just in time for the Olympics. But do they have the content demand to justify the price rise once the games are over?
TV Loves Its Own: Why Movies Fizzle On The 75 Inch Screen
Streaming services may dream of chasing Oscars, but they’re spending their dollars on TV series, both old and new. Brandon Katz unpacks why.
Why Are Streamers Sleeping On The Kids' Content Niche?
While demand for kids content remains high, supply is surprisingly low. Brandon Katz looks at what’s behind the imbalance.
In Global Content Wars, Netflix's Hefty Investment in Overseas Programming Outstrips Amazon
Does winning on a global basis means investing in more non-US content? Netflix seems to think so and that’s why they’re way ahead of Amazon
Leveling Up or Losing Steam? The Evolution Of Video Game Adaptations In Film And TV
Having strip mined comic books, Hollywood is looking to video games for its next batch of hits. But is there enough IP to draw on?
Old Wine, New Bottles: Quantifying Hollywood's Continued Reliance On Remakes And Revivals
Hollywood has long been criticized for its over reliance on tried and true IP. But which streamers are most guilty of jumping on this trends? The results will surprise you.
Why The Incredible Shrinking TV Season Is Hurting TV
TV seasons are shrinking and that is hurting streamers ability to retain viewers. Brandon Katz looks at the numbers behind the Big Shrink.
Getting Past The Urge To Merge: Can Yango Play Show Hollyood The Way?
Can a Middle Eastern media company called Yango Play be the path forward for America’s media giants? Brandon Katz explains why.
Reboots And Reruns: Streaming’s Search For Sitcom Success
Sitcoms have long been broadcast TV’s strongest product. But streaming services struggle to retain viewers from season to season. Brandon Katz looks at why.
Amazon Prime's Pivot: From Art House Hits to Mainstream Magnets
A look at how Amazon’s shift to a mainstream content strategy left it well positioned for the transition to an ad-supported model.
Price Hikes, Bundles and Syndication: Streaming Reacts To Its New Reality
Changing consumer habits and a maturing streaming industry are leading to some new trends, price increases being among the more visible.
Can Hulu Integration Help Disney Get Its Magic Back?
Disney’+s diminishing Demand Share is one of the many problems the streamer faces. Can Hulu help them get their mojo back?