The Future Of Television. Dissected Daily.
Netflix, Netflix, Netflix!
Netflix deals with subscriber numbers, Wall Street, all-at-once-delivery, password sharing and the launch of their new ad-supported tier.
Paramount+ Teams Up With Walmart, Bundles Make Scoring The Streaming Wars Even Harder
The many reasons Paramount was wise to join forces with Walmart, time for the streaming industry to stop focusing on subscriber counts.
After IPL Rights Pullback, Is It Time For Disney To Rethink Streaming Goals?
Disney got out of the business of streaming Indian Premiere League games this weekend. Now when will it acknowledge how much more difficult it will be to reach its ambitious global goals for streaming subscribers? And will investors care at this point?
Disney+ Continues Hot Streak Overseas, Passes 50M Subscribers
Disney had welcome good news to crow about: its new streaming service Disney+ passed 50 million subscribers in just five months.
Analysts Love Disney+ Fast Start, But Warn Churn Can Still Burn
Disney stock jumped after two analysts estimated Disney+ subscriber numbers were outperforming projections. But churn remains a concern as Disney rolls out new shows.
Nine Ways Niche VOD Services Can Attract Subscribers Amid The Streaming Wars
Getting subscribers in the door is an existential issue for niche services amid brutal competition. At the Future of TV conference, marketing and business-development executives offered nine tactics crucial to survival amid that competition.