The Future Of Television. Dissected Daily.
Revitalized Pac-12 Can Work With Focus On TV Product
The Pac-12's rebirth is in progress, but the main thing it needs to keep focus on is being a cohesive and entertaining league -- and TV product, by extension.
Over Half Of College Football’s Audience Is Controlled By Two Conferences
iSpot data shows that this year's Big Ten and SEC could combine for over 57% (or more) of this year's college football viewing... which has some larger ramifications for the sport.
What Early Details Around The Venu Streaming Service Tell Us
Details are coming out around the Venu streaming service, which also creates more questions.
College Football’s TV Goals Are Devouring The Sport
College Football Playoff changes could be the move that finally eats the sport alive.
ESPN Pays Up To Keep NCAA Championship Rights. What’s Next?
ESPN paying up for NCAA sports championships is all part of a larger plan — but one that looks tougher by the day.
College Football Playoff Pushes Sport Closer To TV-Based Consolidation
College Football’s consolidation looks assured following Sunday’s playoff selections that excluded Florida State.
College Sports Consolidation Is Now Just A Battle For Best TV Inventory
The Pac-12 was effectively killed off last week… by TV.
Does Big 12 Expansion Move TV/Fan Needle Enough For Conference?
Big 12 expansion is less about pulling ahead than it is about keeping pace with a rapidly evolving TV rights environment for college football.
ACC’s CW Deal Underlines RSNs’ Diminishing Importance
Diamond Sports pushed the ACC to a better option with the CW, and many other teams and leagues/conferences could follow suit.
ESPN Pays Up For College Sports Rights Consolidation
The Big 12’s new TV deal shows how ESPN is going to use college sports to keep fans tuning in en masse.
College Football Playoff Expansion Gives Linear TV More Premium Inventory — For A Premium Price
An expanded College Football Playoff could be one of the most lucrative rights deals on TV as networks are still scrambling to keep audiences watching.
B1G Implications: What’s Next For Networks After Big Ten’s Record TV Rights Deal
The Big Ten’s record deal has lasting implications for the Big Four broadcast networks, ESPN and its own cable channel.
Reported UCLA, USC Plan To Join Big Ten Resets College Sports TV Rights
UCLA and USC leaving the Pac-12 could set off a chain of events that resets the college sports TV landscape.