The Future Of Television. Dissected Daily.
What Happens In CTV: What To Expect In 2025
Six top industry thought leaders: Terry Kawaja, Stu Schwartzapfel, Tony Marlow, Mike Brooks, Evan Shapiro and Alan Wolk share their thoughts on what to expect in the year ahead in the video series sponsored by LG Ad Solutions.
CIMM City 2024. The State Of TV Advertising
Our newest Thought Leaders Circle video series, featuring Michele Stone (Paramount), Mikey Garcia (Wurl), Field Garthwaite (IRIS TV), Drew Kane (Mediaocan) and Travis Scoles (Paramount)
Samsung's Justin Fromm On Streaming's Loyalty Crisis
Samsung Ads’ Justin Fromm discusses the findings of their new report on Streaming’s Loyalty Crisis in our latest TVREV Thought Leaders Circle video.
Vibe.co’s Arthur Querou On Why SMB Self-Serve Is The Next Big Thing
TVREV caught up with Querou to find out how Vibe is redefining TV advertising for small and medium-sized businesses.
CTV In The City: Big Insights From The Big Apple
Our new 5-part video series from LG Ad Solutions looks at the state of ad-supported CTV and why it's ready to hit new heights.
Serving Up Volleyball 24/7: How Applicaster And JWP Helped VBTV Reach A Worldwide Audience
This 5-part video series explains how Applicaster and JWP helped Volleyball World launch a new CTV app for over 800 million fans worldwide.
The Future Of CTV: Data, Creativity, And Technology In Advertising
Teads' Natalie Bastian discusses the latest trends in CTV advertising with Scope3's Brian O'Kelley in our latest Thought Leaders Circle video.
Paramount’s Steve Ellis On The Proven Impact Of TV Advertising
Paramount Advertising COO Steve Ellis discusses the proven impact of the 30 second spot and why measuring ad effectiveness is so important for advertisers.
How Seedtag Uses Contextual To Help Brands Find The Right Moments
Seedtag's Mike Villalobos explains how contextual targeting lets them find "the white spaces" for brands and reflects on how their recent acquisition of Beachfront will allow them to do that better and more efficiently on CTV.
Cannes Lions: Navigating The CTV Revolution With AI And Video-Level Contextual Data, Part 2
The second of a two-part round-up featuring our “Context In Cannes” video series for IRIS.TV, all about why contextual targeting is so key and how it’s being used throughout the industry.
Cannes Lions: Navigating The CTV Revolution With AI And Video-Level Contextual Data, Part 1
Part 1 of a a wrap-up of IRIS TV’s big splash at Cannes Lions this year and why contextual targeting is red hot. Bonus: new Explain It To A Teenager video
Vevo's Successful Foray Into Connected Television
In this new TVREV in Cannes video, Vevo's Natalie Gabathuler-Scully discusses the opportunities they’ve found on CTV and what advertising trends they are anticipating.
Not All Content Is Created Equal
In our latest video from Cannes Lions, KERV Interactive CRO Jay Wolff explains why everyone should “KERV it” and why attention metrics are so important.
Only Connect. How Tubi Is Winning Hearts, Minds And Ad Dollars With Emotionally Resonant Originals Like “Big Mood”
With new originals like “Big Mood” Tubi’s been on a winning streak this spring. We sat down with Tubi’s Cynthia Clevenger in a new video series to understand why.
Tubi's Original Content Play: How Series Like 'Dead Hot' Offer New Opportunities for Advertisers
Our exclusive video series with Tubi’s Cynthia Clevenger, explains how original series like Dead Hot are transforming advertising in streaming.
Samsung's Justin Fromm On The Continued Appeal Of FAST Services
What Samsung’s latest report on FASTs told them about why viewers keep coming back to FAST services and why great stories still matter.
Flashtalking’s Ben Kartzman On The Importance Of Data Independence, And What That Means For Advertisers
In this interview from CES 2024, Mediaocean COO Ben Kartzman explores the importance of data independence for advertisers.
LG Ads' Tony Marlow On The “OS Wars” And How LG Positions Itself Among OEM Players
In this interview from CES 2024, LG Ad Solutions CMO Tony Marlow rejects the term “OS Wars”, explaining that it's not a "zero-sum game", and where LG sits among OEM's.
What Are You Most Excited About For 2024, Part 2
At CES last week, we asked some TVREV Thought Leaders Circle members what they were most excited about in the year head. Part 2 of 2
What Are You Most Excited About For 2024, Part 1
At CES last week, we asked some TVREV Thought Leaders Circle members what they were most excited about in the year head. Part 1 of 2