The Future Of Television. Dissected Daily.
CTV Might Get The Headlines, But Social Video Is Still a Juggernaut
Mediaocean’s Grant Parker looks at the “media-creative” gap and why brands need to better integrate social video and CTV.
Hot Takes: TikTok Comes To TV
TikTok is coming to TV.
It’s starting off on Amazon TV at first, but we’d be shocked if it didn’t quickly expand its footprint throughout the entire TV ecosystem.
And TikTok isn’t the first social media platform to make the leap to TV—YouTube has been available on TV for many years, and the amount of YouTube video that’s watched on an actual TV set has been growing rapidly.
Here's How Apollo Makes its Verizon Media Acquisition Worthwhile
Apollo's ability to turn Yahoo into a larger sports betting player could make or break the Verizon Media acquisition.
Scattered Audiences Put Spotlight on Transparency as Video Publishers Uncover New Revenue Streams
New members to the Global Video Measurement Alliance highlight how social video's about to scale up as a revenue opportunity.
Tubular Labs: TV Doubles Down On Social Video Heading Into 2021
Tubular Labs CRO Denis Crushell discusses how TV -- streaming and linear -- is utilizing social video to grow viewership in 2021.
Tubular Audience Ratings Making TV-Like Metrics a Reality for Social Video
The new Tubular Audience Ratings provide unique viewer and minutes watched data that make it easier to evaluate social video like TV.
Democratic National Convention: 24% of TVs Tuned Into 2020 DNC
Despite the altered format, this year's Democratic National Convention still wound up on a LOT of televisions (and some other screens as well).
What is the Global Video Measurement Alliance?
Tubular Labs CEO and founder Rob Gabel explains the industry problems that his company and the Global Video Measurement Alliance are addressing.
Digging Deeper into Nike's 'Crazy' Advertising
Diving deeper into the data behind Nike's "Dream Crazy" ad campaign on both TV and social video a year after its release.
Democratic Debates, Part 3: Advertisers & Video Stats
Which advertisers showed up for the third Democratic Candidate Debates, and how did the candidates perform on social video?
One Way Social Video Can Grab a Piece of TV Budgets? Similar Metrics
Video measurement company Tubular Labs recently revealed new details around a suite of metrics aimed to address social video’s lack of uniform standards, and value those audiences at parity with traditional media channels.
Jeep, In-Game TV Ads Dominate Super Bowl Social Video
Jeep didn't have a Super Bowl ad, but social video results show the car brand's "spot" earned enough impact that it may as well have.
Social Video Insights from the Ford - Kavanaugh Hearing
U.S. audiences were hooked on video around the Ford-Kavanaugh hearings, and not just on T.V. Social video also commanded large audiences for the event.
People are Skipping NFL Promos, Intrigued by NFL Fantasy, Bud Light
Bud Light is giving Cleveland fans free beer -- but that's only part of the brand's strategy to capitalize on the NFL season.