The Future Of Television. Dissected Daily.
Cracking the Efficiency Curve: Little Shifts Mean A Lot
A new study from LG Ad Solutions and iSpot highlights the impact just shifting a small part of your budget from linear to CTV can make.
The Future Of Content Distribution: Overcoming Challenges In The Digital Age
From clunky tech to sky-high costs, CCR’s Ben Saboe delivers the lowdown on fixing your content distribution woes.
Streaming TV: The Sweet Spot for Ad Buyers
OrkaTV’s Jonathan Moffie explains why streaming TV is the best option for ad buyers who want to keep up with audience changes while maintaining the value of linear.
Nielsen’s Gauge Is All About The Others, Cable News Is The New Twitter
All about The Gauge’s “Other” category and why nomenclature matters + the vested interest print journos have in cable news.