The Future Of Television. Dissected Daily.
Amazon’s Upfront Haul Vs. TV’s Ad Contraction
Amazon made a massive and risky bet this year - that consumers would be ok with turning on advertising as the default for Amazon Prime Video.
Go Big, or Go to a Series of Intimate Dinners
The value of Upfronts is in question for TV and netwarks, as tech giants Amazon and YouTube are on a different playing field.
The Upfronts Versus The Chatbots
Despite the flashy Upfronts, tech giants like Google, Apple and Meta are competing to dominate the future of AI.
Everyone Wants A Piece Of Retail Media
Retail media is projected to account for 20% of all advertising spending next year, as major companies like Yahoo and Kroger form strategic partnerships to capitalize on this booming sector.
iSpot Upfronts Report Reveals a Measure of Advertiser Optimism
27% of surveyed execs expect to invest more money in the upfronts than they did last year.
Telly Will Live Or Die On The Buzz, Upfronts Offer Few Surprises
Why Telly’s free TVs are generating so much buzz. And why the Upfronts really aren’t.
Primetime Ad Minutes Keep Climbing For Top TV Networks
Ad minutes are going up in primetime, while attention appears to be dropping, as data from iSpot reveals.
Upfronts Survey Indicates TV Spend Isn’t Going Anywhere
A new survey from iSpot reveals TV ad buyer thoughts ahead of the 2023 upfronts — which seem to indicate spending will be just fine.
Baseball Is Back, What To Look For At The Upfronts And Newfronts
A look at baseball’s pivot to streaming RSNs and how that affects more than just sports, plus how to navigate the Upfronts and Newfronts like a pro.
Hot Takes: The 2023 Upfronts And Newfronts
TVREV’s Thought Leaders Circle members share their thoughts and predictions for this year’s Upfronts and Newfronts.
The Upfronts Tackle Hybrid Viewing, Comcast Does Some Future-Proofing
The upfronts confront a hybrid linear/streaming future, Comcast get the value of the TV OS.
The NewFronts Are All About TV, Media Misrepresents Netflix’s Troubles
The line between the NewFronts and Upfronts is rapidly disappearing, why the media’s been slandering Netflix.