The Future Of Television. Dissected Daily.
As YouTube Strives To Be TV, News Eyes YouTube Audiences
TV news publishers are changing the way they approach digital video, seemingly to adapt to consumers’ shift toward watching more YouTube content on TVs.
Tubular Ties E-Commerce Sales To Social-Video Views In New Metric
A new metric from Tubular Labs connects viewership of product videos online with Amazon purchases by those audiences in the next 30 days. Electronics purchases had a particularly high correlation, but more broadly, the metric will help publishers better pitch the value of their audiences.
AOC Twitch Stream Shows Path Forward for Politics & Video Engagement
After drawing an impressive 435K viewers to just play "Among Us" and talk about voting, AOC identifies a path toward future voter engagement
Tubular Audience Ratings Making TV-Like Metrics a Reality for Social Video
The new Tubular Audience Ratings provide unique viewer and minutes watched data that make it easier to evaluate social video like TV.