The Future Of Television. Dissected Daily.
HBO’s ‘Winning Time’ Is Less About Sports And More About Following Its Sunday Night Formula
Winning Time is about sports, for sure. But it’s more about HBO doing what it usually does successfully.
Memorial Day Weekend’s Most Binged Time-Shifted Shows
The most binge-watched time-shifted shows from Memorial Day weekend, with insights from Inscape
Can Networks Create More Programming Like 'The Last Dance?'
ESPN's "The Last Dance" was exactly what viewers wanted. But can its success be repeated for audiences looking for collective experiences?
Canvs: Top TV Shows Winning the Love, Week of May 4
Each week Canvs utilizes their leading emotion measurement technology to analyze the top TV shows with the highest emotional reactions. This week, Michael Jordan's 'The Last Dance' took over the internet. Check out the other shows that caught viewers attention.