The Future Of Television. Dissected Daily.
MLB’s Outdated Local TV Rules Are Hurting Fans
If baseball is serious about growing its audience, especially among younger fans, it must overhaul its television and streaming policies to make it easier — not harder — for people to watch their favorite teams.
Broadcasters Want To Kill ATSC 1.0 – But At What Cost To Viewers?
The transition to ATSC 3.0 may be inevitable, but it should not come at the expense of consumer choice and accessibility.
BEST Channels: The Killer App That Could Finally Fulfill NextGen TV’s Promise
“BEST” channels could be the breakthrough that finally makes NextGen TV a legitimate value proposition for consumers.
Loosening Local TV Ownership Rules Risks Eroding Competition & Diversity
A looming legal battle next month pits broadcasters seeking deregulation against public interest groups advocating for competition and diversity in local media markets.
Fox’s Super Bowl Shuffle
The nearly 14 million viewers who opted to watch the Super Bowl via Tubi represented a significant erosion of what was once an exclusively local linear TV audience,
The FCC Should Support Public Media, Not Undermine It
At its core, this investigation is not about sponsorships or underwriting rules. It is about power—the power to intimidate, destabilize, and ultimately silence voices that provide a public service free from the dictates of profit or political agendas.
More Media Measurement Mayhem
For Nielsen, the challenge is not just to innovate but to rebuild trust in an industry that increasingly views it as a relic of the past.
Wither The Weather?
The fast-disappearing local forecast - a lament for TV meteorologists and community connection.
Universal Ads Sets Up Shop In Local TV’s Backyard
For local TV stations, Universal Ads presents a huge challenge - but perhaps also an opportunity.
RUN3TV: The Race Broadcasters Cannot Afford To Lose
RUN3TV is more than a technological advancement; it’s a paradigm shift in what it means to be a broadcaster in the digital age.
A Look At The Regulatory Road Ahead For 2025 & Beyond - With David Oxenford
What kind of changes might lie ahead for broadcasters on the regulatory and legislative fronts? We ask a leading DC communications attorney for a reading of the inside-the-Beltway tea leaves.
The Road To Reinvention: Why Local TV News Needs Upheaval To Move Forward
Despite attempts by legacy broadcasters to expand into digital platforms, apps, and social media, the core product remains constrained by the traditional linear broadcast format.
Local PBS Via Amazon Prime Shows How Commercial Broadcasters Have Lost The Plot
PBS’s partnership with Amazon marks a watershed moment - for the first time, viewers can access broadcast content for free on a major streaming platform, including full-signal local station programming.
It’s Time For Broadcasters To Pivot To NextGen TV - And Leave Retransmission Consent Behind
Broadcasters have relied on outdated regulations to protect their position in a media landscape that’s increasingly leaving them behind. The shift to ATSC 3.0 represents an opportunity for the industry to move forward.
Deregulating TV Station Ownership Won’t Fix The Industry’s Problems — It’ll Make Them Worse
Increasing ownership limits and reducing regulations will do nothing to solve the industry’s existential issues; in fact, it will amplify the very weaknesses that threaten the future of local TV.
U.S. TV Station Ownership Rules And Loopholes: An Explainer
TV station ownership rules were originally established to preserve localism, diversity, and competition in local marketplaces. Have they outlived their usefulness?
Local TV News’ Big Election Day Test
This Election Day is not just another reporting cycle — it’s a defining moment for local TV stations to demonstrate their unwavering dedication to accuracy and the public interest.
Local TV’s Year Of Living Dangerously
The local broadcast TV business has thrived on temporary boosts from political ads, but that safety net is about to disappear, leaving the underlying structural weaknesses fully exposed come first quarter of next year.
The Long, Slow Demise Of Over-The-Air TV
Until broadcasters recognize the value of nurturing their free-to-air audience, OTA viewing will remain a niche option rather than a mainstream alternative to paid services.
It's Time To 'Act': Why TV & Video Need A New Regulatory Framework
It's time for a new regulatory framework for television/video – one that embraces the realities of our digital world while preserving the core principles that have guided media regulation for decades.