The Future Of Television. Dissected Daily.
Why TV Networks May Want To Get Back to Learning Content
People are increasingly using social media for how-tos and DIYs — including around food & drink, which used to be the domain of Food Network.
Twitter Is A Platform In Search Of A Purpose
Twitter is facing many problems, but the more existential one of why it exists may be the most pressing.
Branded Content Is The Star Of The Newfronts, BlueSky Dispatch
Data-driven branded content makes a splash at this year’s Newfronts, but is the splash BlueSky is making actually sustainable?
Would Netflix's 'N-Plus' Be a Value-Add, or More Digital Clutter?
It's clear what Netflix might want to do with something like N-Plus... but does anyone need it?
MLB's New 'Film Room' Further Democratizes Sports Video
MLB's new "Film Room" product could change the way audiences interact with baseball highlights and create new connections with younger, digitally-focused audiences.
ViacomCBS' VidCon Cancels
The biggest annual event in social media, the giant VidCon gathering in Anaheim, Calif., has been cancelled because of COVID-19. Organizers hope to create a replacement in the fall.
Fortnite Becomes The Social-Media Experience Of Teens' Choice
The video game Fortnite has become much more than that for teens and tweens, says an NRG study. Now it's more a social-media site and messaging service too. Brands need to adapt to reach that audience.
Brands Should Make Sure Stories are Designed for Smaller Screens
TV[R]EV speaks with Digitas Studio VP/Group Director Mark Book on the evolving digital marketing space, influencers and what's next for mobile.