The Future Of Television. Dissected Daily.
5 Netflix Insights In 2024 That Are Shaking Up The Streaming World
In 2024, Netflix continues to refine its strategy with a focus on subscriber retention, high-quality content, earned media, and smart investments in live sports, ensuring its position as a leader in the streaming industry.
Most Creator Content Sucks But No One Cares, Live Viewing Heats Up
The case for television’s return to its pre-Golden Age mass market roots and why live content is heating up again.
Max Gets Sporty, The JIC Gets Inclusive
Will Max’s new Sports bundle make them “Must Have TV” and what the JIC and the MRC need to do to make sure the new alternative currencies succeed.
FAST 2.0: The Next Iteration
The six key facets of FAST 2.0, the next evolution of the FAST ecosystem.
Will Amazon Thursday Night NFL Experiments Transform Live Sports Shows?
Amazon is promising lots of experimentation with the viewer experience when it launches its version of the NFL’s Thursday Night Football in a few weeks. Will the shift of sports to streaming service set off an explosion of experiments as leagues and media partners try to entice younger audiences to watch?
Live Entertainment Has Come To Streaming, Launching A New Era
Live sporting events were the last exclusive part of the cable bundle; new box office releases were similarly exclusive. Their arrival to streaming signals that we have arrived at a tipping point.
Sinclair, FloSports Present Two Possible Futures for (Most) Sports Content
The past week has seen two pretty important happenings in the world of sports content, with Sinclair's RSN buy and FloSports' CAA deal.