The Future Of Television. Dissected Daily.
Canvs AI Presents the ‘All The Feels’ Awards for 2021
The last two years have witnessed one of the most transformative periods for TV viewership. Consumers' reached for content that hit the right notes, whatever those notes might be, from feeling part of a community, touching their soul, tickling the funny bone, or just plain fun...We’re proud to present the Canvs “All the Feels” Awards (AF Awards) for 2021!
'Tiger Effect' Back in Full for PGA Championships Final Round
Tiger Woods's impressive close to the 2018 PGA Championship brought in plenty of viewers, and got audiences talking as well.
'Timeless' Finale Will Have Emotional Fan Base Waiting for it This Fall
"Timeless" returns to NBC for a two-hour finale later this year -- a smart move given the response audiences have provided the show.
Bud Light Scores Audience Attention During World Cup
Bud Light's ads scored with audiences during this year's World Cup, while Mexico drove more Emotional Reactions (ERs) than any other team.