The Future Of Television. Dissected Daily.
Telly Will Live Or Die On The Buzz, Upfronts Offer Few Surprises
Why Telly’s free TVs are generating so much buzz. And why the Upfronts really aren’t.
It’s Happening: How The JIC Is Helping The Industry Prepare For Its Inevitable Streaming Shift
As the industry looks to transition to streaming, the JIC is helping to create some sorely needed consistency.
Likeability Matters
Big budget TV image campaigns don’t seem to have much of an impact. Until your brand makes a misstep or is accused of one.
What Really Is First-Party Data?
If you asked ten ad tech veterans what constitutes first-party data, you’d likely get ten responses that all map back to identity. From email addresses to demography, the industry’s view on what defines first-party data tends to focus exclusively on audience data. But are we missing part of the point? What about context and all of the data associated with it too? Shouldn't we be paying attention to that too?