The Future Of Television. Dissected Daily.
In 2024, the Shift to Streaming Only Continued
This year, the share of smart TVs that solely streamed content hit 61% — a notable increase across the last few years, according to Inscape’s latest analysis.
Report: More Smart TVs Are Solely Streaming
Inscape’s Q2 2024 report reveals that 60% of smart TVs only streamed content during the quarter — a record high.
‘Measuring’ The Difference At Cannes This Year
Telly’s Bob Ivins offers up some theories on why TV measurement did not seem to be on anyone’s lips at Cannes this year.
Report Reveals Key Deltas Between Exact-Ad Measurement, Average-Minute Audience
A new report from iSpot highlights the major differences between average commercial minute audiences and exact-ad (spot-level) measurement during sporting events.
Power Surge: Smart TVs That Only Stream See Electric Bump
In Q1 2024, 58% of smart TVs solely streamed content — a notable three percentage point jump from Q4 2023, per Inscape.
Streaming Surges On, But Smart TV App Usage Plateaus
Inscape’s Q4 2023 TV Market Trends report reveals the latest insights around consumer media behavior.
NFL Scoring Double-Digit TV Ad Impressions Growth At Midseason
NFL TV ad impressions have ballooned year-over-year, as a new report from iSpot shows.
Why iSpot Acquired 605
iSpot Founder & CEO Sean Muller details why his company acquired 605 today.
Data: Streaming Has Taken the TV Remote and Powered a FAST Change
An analysis from Inscape shows that streaming is the preferred choice over cable/satellite as the top TV viewing source for U.S. households, helping power FAST growth.
Scripps Tries Pushing Antenna Use, The VAB Is Beefing With Nielsen
Why Scripps might want to push streaming rather than over-the-air and why the VAB and Nielsen really need to do more to get along.
How are TV Ads Measured? Mark Myers From iSpot.tv Explains It to a Teenager
We met with Mark Myers who explained how iSpot measures TV ads and helps brands succeed with advertising on TV and streaming.
Moving Forward From The Current TV Measurement Culture Clash
Madhive CEO Adam Helfgott in a Q&A about the need to integrate panel and ACR data for better measurement data.
SVOD Services Go Big On Linear, iSpot and Conviva Join Forces For Unified Network Ratings
Why SVOD services rolling out linear channels is a smart move and why the iSpot-Conviva deal is perfect for today’s hybrid ecosystem.
Why The “Streaming Is Dead” Meme Isn’t True, Alternative Currencies Get A Further Boost
A rant on why streaming is still very much alive and some excellent news about the future of TV measurement via VIZIO, Nielsen and iSpot.
Nielsen Gets Bought, CNN+ Launches, But Only On Amazon and Apple
How the sale of Nielsen will affect the TV measurement industry and what to make of CNN+’s future prospects.