The Future Of Television. Dissected Daily.
DISH Media's Kemal Bokhari On The Key Issues The TV Data Initiative Intends To Tackle.
As part of our partnership with the TV Data Initiative (TVDI) we’re going to be showcasing video interviews with various consortium members where they will discuss the key issues surrounding the TV data ecosystem and the what they hope the consortium can accomplish
The MRC Shuts Down Nielsen, Locast Shuts Down
The one where we explain why the latest round of Nielsen-bashing is just theater and look at options for Locast now that the courts have ruled against it.
Tru Optik’s David Wiesenfeld On The Financial Benefits Of Cooperation Around TV Data
As part of our partnership with the TV Data Initiative, we’re going to be showcasing video interviews with various consortium members where they will discuss the key issues surrounding the TV data ecosystem and the what they hope the consortium can accomplish
TVSquared's Bob Ivins On The Need For A New Way Of Looking At TV Data
In the latest video from the TV Data Initiative, TVSquared's Bob Ivins talks about the need for new relationships, new business models and new distribution n order to allow TV data to reach its full potential.
Blockgraph's Aleck Schleider On The Value of Universal IDs
Blockgraph's Chief Revenue Officer, Aleck Scheider, on why universal IDs are so important and why making them interoperable should be one of the TV Data Initiative's goals.
Day One of the NewFronts And Data Is King
A look at why data and data-driven advertising was front and center on Day One of the (virtual) 2020 NewFronts.
Netflix Still Holding Its Own vs. Disney+ with Extensive TV Show Catalogue
Disney+ has the known intellectual property, but that hasn't given them an advantage over incumbent Netflix just yet - at least on the TV show front.