The Future Of Television. Dissected Daily.
A Supernova Moment For Cable News
Much of the recent drama about cable news is focused on ratings, a concept much of the industry now regards as quaint. Is that a signal of end times or something else?
The MRC Shuts Down Nielsen, Locast Shuts Down
The one where we explain why the latest round of Nielsen-bashing is just theater and look at options for Locast now that the courts have ruled against it.
Does the NFL Think it Can Even Bowl Over Valentine's Day?
Fans won't "love" the NFL for pitting its biggest day against Valentine's Day plans. And networks and restaurants probably won't either.
How Long Before Every Broadcaster Dumps Ratings For Impressions?
Nexstar said it no longer will sell ads based on ratings, shifting to a "cost-per-impression" model that captures viewing on other platforms. So what's everyone else in broadcasting waiting for?