The Future Of Television. Dissected Daily.
Hot Takes: The Future Of Shoppable TV
We asked our TVREV Thought Leaders Circle members what they thought would need to happen in order to make shoppable TV take off. Their unexpected responses may surprise you.
Hot Takes: What To Binge Over The Holidays
You’ve got two weeks off. Our TVREV Thought Leaders Circle members have suggestions.
Hot Takes: CTV’s Contextual Revolution
TVREV’s Thought Leaders Circle members share their thoughts on the rise of contextual targeting on CTV.
Hot Takes: What Trends Are The Industry Sleeping On?
What's the one trend that more people in the industry should be paying attention to right now? Our esteemed Thought Leaders Circle members weigh in.
Hot Takes: What To Look For This Upfront/Newfront Season
In our latest TVREV Hot Takes, we ask our Thought Leaders Circle members what to keep an eye on during Upfront/Newfront season. The answers may surprise you.
Hot Takes: TVREV's Thought Leaders Weigh In On Post-Strike TV's Future
TVREV’s Thought Leaders Circle members weigh in on how they see the industry changing once the Hollywood Strikes are finally settled.
Hot Takes: How Will AI Affect The Television Industry?
TVREV’s Thought Leaders offer their takes on how AI is going to affect the television industry.
Hot Takes: The 2023 Upfronts And Newfronts
TVREV’s Thought Leaders Circle members share their thoughts and predictions for this year’s Upfronts and Newfronts.
Hot Takes: Why Is Ad-Supported TV Hot Again?
TVREV’s Thought Leaders Circle members offer their opinions on why ad-supported TV is having a moment right now.
Hot Takes 2023: Some Bold Predictions From Our Members
2023 Predictions from the top executives in TVREV’s Thought Leaders Circle.
Hot Takes: How Should The TV Industry Protect Consumer Privacy?
Our TVREV Thought Leaders Circle members weigh in on why consumer privacy is so important and what steps the TV industry needs to take to ensure that it is respected.
Hot Takes: Will CTV Take The Lead In The New Hybrid Ecosystem?
TVREV Thought Leaders Circle members share their takes on the potential boom in CTV advertising as Netflix, Disney and HBO join the ad-supported ranks.
Hot Takes: Netflix Has Advertising. Now What?
TVREV Thought Leaders Circle members offer their advice to Netflix on how to approach its impending advertising business.
Hot Takes: What To Expect From The NewFronts
TVREV Thought Leaders Circle members share their thoughts on what they are expecting at the upcoming NewFronts.