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Digital Ad Giants Are Chasing Commerce Gold

Everyone wants that sweet sweet Retail Media money...including some of the most successful ad platforms in the world.

As Business Insider reports, digital ad giants like Meta and YouTube are inking deals with retail media networks, looking to get in on the commerce explosion. Even though these 'duopoly' members would seem to need little help with generating ad demand - they would (as nearly every media brand) like to be able to prove they can directly impact sales for their ad partners.

And to date, Meta, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, etc - for as big as they are - haven't been able to make fulfilment (people actually buying stuff) happen directly on their platforms like Amazon, Walmart, etc. So expect lots more tie ups.

It would be nice to think the same sort of partnerships are in the cards for struggling digital publishers - but that remains a work in progress, per The Rebooting. Not to bring up the C-word (Consortium?), but I wonder if there's a way that the comScore top 50 publishers could join together to build a retail media data sharing platform so that these sites could get credit for the product discovery and demand they surely create.

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