The Future Of Television. Dissected Daily.
At CES, Everyone Loves AI, Sports Fans Have More Grief Ahead
How to read between the lines of the AI hype cycle, why watching sports on TV keeps getting more miserable for fans and why the leagues need to cary about it.
How The IRIS_ID Is Helping To Solve TV's Metadata Problem
IRIS.TV CEO Field Garthwaite explains the thinking behind the IRIS_ID and the critical problems that it is helping to solve for.
Let’s Make A Deal: Should Platforms Sell That Sweet, Sweet Data, And Other Pressing Questions
Data, and metadata, were supposed to change the TV industry. But as the industry moves online, its constituents are finding problems everywhere with data, from ad targeting to search and recommendation, to just getting useful data from partners. One idea, buy back the data distributors collect about your shows. At least then it’s a negotiation, not a hostage situation.