The Future Of Television. Dissected Daily.
Game Time For A New RSN (Yes, A New RSN)
What makes the new Chicago Sports Network think it can thrive (let alone survive) while RSNs around the country are imploding?
Private Equity & Local Broadcast TV: A Risky Relationship
Will private equity prove a boon or bust for local television broadcasting?
ZoneCasting: A Blueprint For Local TV’s Future?
Is a new radio content targeting technology a glimpse into the future of over-the-air television?
Locked Out Of Local TV: The Streaming Bundle We Still Can’t Get
It’s time to ask why viewers can’t simply pay for what many want: a bundle comprised of just OTA broadcast TV networks and local stations/diginets — reasonably priced and easy to access via streaming.
Paramount’s Potential Station Sale Puts Local TV In The Crosshairs
Paramount's potential sale of a group of major-market independent stations poses pressing questions as to the future of local broadcasting.
Who’s Actually Watching Local TV News?
The answer is a complex blend of station-brand-loyal older viewers, rural audiences, and a disparate smattering of genre-defying younger cohorts who don’t really “watch television” at all.
RSNs In Flux, Chicago-Style
The regional sports network (RSN) industry is in a state of flux, and few markets exemplify both the chaos and transformation more than Chicago
Peacock's Olympic Ascendance: A Double-Edged Sword For NBC & Local Affiliates
Peacock is the Paris Olympics’ media gold medal winner; will local NBC stations & affiliates even make the podium?
Jim Dolan Actually Has a Point
The often unpopular Knicks (and Rangers, Madison Square Garden, Sphere, & MSG Network) owner isn't wrong in his fears of waning local NBA media revenue
Broadcast Regulation Post-Chevron
A precedent-busting Supreme Court decision has the potential to upend the of future broadcast regulation.
Does Local Sports Media's Future Lie in the Stars?
A first-of-its-kind deal to bring live streaming games of a major professional sports team to fans at no cost could be the death knell for RSNs.
Weather Or Not?
Timely local TV weather forecasts are vital for safety during severe weather, but can be significantly delayed if accessed via streaming. Will ATSC 3.0/NextGen come to the rescue?
Mad About Local
A conversation with Madhive President Jim Wilson about the company’s acquisition of local media ad sales workflow software/services firm Frequence - and why the future of local marketing is omnichannel.
Diginet Discoveries
While the technical distinction between linear broadcast subchannels & digital streaming FAST channels may be blurring, there is no denying that the OTA diginet model has become an influential blueprint for the future of “TV” - and a new canvas for programming creativity.
Diginets: The Father of FASTs
Streaming FAST channels owe their existence to the TV model (eventually) refined by broadcasters' digital subchannel adventures over the last two decades.
How US Broadcasters Might Stream More "Freely"
Can US local broadcasters and their network programming patrons get out of their own way and glean some innovation inspiration from their brethren across the pond?
Why Can't US Audiences Stream Broadcast Channels More "Freely"?
The UK’s new Freely “streaming broadcast” service begs the question: why can't US viewers stream full, (ostensibly) free local broadcast signals?
Sports Broadcasting's Shifting Landscape Is No Slam Dunk For Local TV Stations
The unwinding of Regional Sports Networks may - or may not - be a windfall for local TV broadcasters.
A Tipping Point For NextGen TV?
It was hard not to feel that this year's NAB Show represented a bit of a turning point for the ATSC 3.0 “NextGen TV” standard.
Local Broadcasting's Over-the-Air Blind Spot
Over-the-air television viewing is more sizable and demographically attractive than most industry professionals realize - and is actually growing in popularity. The catch: nobody knows how to truly measure or account for it.