Hot List: Challah-Day Season Is Here

“Life is made up of small pleasures. Happiness is made up of those tiny successes. The big ones come too infrequently. And if you don't collect all these tiny successes, the big ones don't really mean anything.” ― Norman Lear

Ah, mid December. It’s the time of the year for wrapping up your 2023 reflections, cramming on Q4 and next year’s goals, and maybe getting a bit sloshy at an office party – with your family, by yourself, or eating too much sugar… or all of the above... 

You may also be found lighting candles, spinning dreidels, shopping for weird pajama gifts, and saying things like – “Yea, time really flies” and “streaming is getting so expensive”... and “Hey, you going to CES?” 

If your answer to the last one was yes and you’d like to connect with the TVREV team – and maybe become a part of our TLC program, get involved in our 2024 reports or buy us a drink –  drop us a line, maybe we can meet up in Vegas.

In the meantime, here are some articles we’ve written (or are reading) to help you pass the time while you squeeze in a few minutes to catch up and make sense of the week that was.



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