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OrkaTV's Chris Hartley On Why CTV Is Becoming Just Like An iPhone

OrkaTV is a specialized Supply-Side Platform (SSP) that provides advertisers exclusive access to premium CTV and FAST inventory. We pride ourselves on being highly focused—streaming TV is our only business,” notes Chris Hartley,  Vice President of Global Sales at OrkaTV. “Unlike other SSPs that offer display, mobile, or native advertising, we concentrate solely on CTV, which means we’ve built our platform to cater specifically to the nuances of this medium.”

ALAN WOLK (AW): What advantages does OrkaTV have compared to other companies in the ad tech space?

CHRIS HARTLEY (CH): Specializing in CTV gives us significant benefits. We bring direct, DR and programmatic monetization across the consumer’s entire viewing experience. We also do the dirty work—everything from managing adstacks to advising our clients on everything streaming TV—that traditional, broad-focus SSPs struggle to provide. By concentrating our efforts, we’ve created a platform that addresses the specific needs of streaming TV advertisers, allowing for more precise targeting and reporting, better ad placement, and a superior overall user experience.

AW: Why did OrkaTV decide to focus solely on streaming TV, and what benefits does this bring?

CH: The decision to specialize exclusively on streaming TV stems from our desire to fix the ongoing challenges unique to this medium. Streaming TV is rapidly becoming the default way people consume television content, but it comes with its own set of issues, from ad frequency capping to content discovery. By focusing on CTV and FAST, we can address these challenges head-on.

Specializing allows us to bring a more tailored approach to our clients. For instance, we can ensure proper frequency capping, something often overlooked by broader platforms. Too often, consumers are bombarded with the same ad repeatedly when watching FAST channels, which can be a turn-off. We make sure that doesn’t happen, enhancing the viewing experience for the consumer while ensuring the advertiser’s message is delivered effectively.

AW: You mentioned that the TV experience is becoming more like an iPhone. Can you elaborate on that comparison?

CH: Absolutely. What’s happening in the TV space right now is really a shift in how consumers interact with their television screens. It’s no longer just about turning on a TV and flipping through channels; it’s about a personalized, app-driven experience that feels more like using a smartphone or tablet.

TV manufacturers like Samsung, LG, and VIZIO have started to curate their home screens, offering a mix of apps, recommendations, and even lifestyle features like health tracking or shopping directly from your TV. This mirrors the iPhone experience, where the home screen isn’t just a menu but a curated, personalized space that reflects the user’s needs and interests.

What’s fascinating is that many consumers don’t fully understand how to leverage this new TV ecosystem. I’ve seen people with brand-new, 75-inch TVs who don’t realize that there’s a library of free ad-supported content available to them—they’re still stuck in the mindset of paying for each app or channel separately. This new TV experience is just beginning to catch on, and it represents a huge opportunity for both content providers and advertisers.

AW: Tell us about the Orka Packs. What are they, and why did you develop them?

CH: Orka Packs are essentially curated collections of streaming TV inventory, designed to simplify the buying process for advertisers and agencies. We partner with over 4,000 FAST channels and more than 150500 networkspublishers, organizing this vast inventory into thematic or genre-specific packs.

The goal is to provide fluidity in media planning, allowing buyers to activate media plans quickly and efficiently. Whether an advertiser is looking for a specific genre, like sports or news, or targeting a particular audience, Orka Packs make it easy to get the right ads in front of the right people. It’s especially valuable for TV buyers transitioning from linear to digital, as it gives them a familiar way to think about media buying but with the added flexibility of digital.

We developed Orka Packs in response to a clear market need: advertisers wanted a streamlined way to access high-quality streaming inventory without having to navigate the complexities of the broader digital advertising landscape. With Orka Packs, they can achieve that level of simplicity and control.

AW: How does OrkaTV support political advertising, especially for down-ballot and local races?

CH: Political advertising is a big focus for us, especially when it comes to supporting down-ballot candidates who need highly localized targeting capabilities. We offer extensive geo-targeting options, allowing advertisers to focus on specific regions down to the zip code level. This is particularly valuable for political campaigns that need to reach voters in very specific areas.

What sets us apart is our ability to curate a massive inventory of local TV networks, on top of the big national players like Fox and CNN. This means we can deliver highly targeted ads that reach voters where they are most engaged, whether that’s on their local news channel or a niche FAST channel. We also work with voter file data, allowing campaigns to connect with newly formed households that may not subscribe to cable but are active on streaming platforms. This is crucial because these households are often the margin of victory in tight races. [For more on political advertising on CTV, check out TVREV’s newest Special Report.]

AW: Can you explain how OrkaTV handles cause-based advertising, such as ads around sensitive topics like gun control?

CH: We have specific guidelines for cause-based advertising, and while we’re flexible, we’re also committed to ensuring that the content aligns with our brand and our publishers’ preferences. Not every SSP handles this well, but we’ve built technology that allows publishers to control what kind of ads appear on their channels.

If a publisher is comfortable running a certain type of ad, whether it’s related to a political cause or a controversial issue, we enable them to do that. It’s all about providing the right tools so that publishers have the final say. This approach ensures that we maintain a high standard while still catering to the diverse needs of advertisers looking to engage in cause-based advertising.

AW: What is the key benefit for advertisers working with an SSP that focuses only on streaming TV, like OrkaTV?

CH: Our deep focus on streaming allows us to offer advertisers the kind of premium ad tech experience they’re used to in other digital formats, but specifically tailored for CTV. We can provide detailed reporting that breaks down impressions by channel, genre, and geography, giving brands and agencies a clear view of their ad performance. This level of insight is often lacking in broader SSPs that don’t have our specialized focus.

We’re continually investing in new technologies, such as first- and third-party data ingestion, to enhance our targeting capabilities further. This is crucial as we move toward more sophisticated ad strategies that combine contextual targeting with audience data, giving our clients a powerful way to reach their ideal consumers.

Our ultimate goal is to make streaming TV advertising as effective and engaging as possible, and we believe that our specialized approach is the best way to achieve that.