The Inclusive Screen: Hispanic Americans

From LG Ad Solutions: A Look into CTV Usage and Preferences

Black, Hispanic, and Asian Americans make up over a third of US adults (per MRI-Simmons), but adequate representation of diversity in media & advertising (both on-screen + behind the scenes) continues to be an elusive target.

The Inclusive Screen Series is the next phase of LG Ad Solutions’ Diverse Voices initiative. In this three-part report, we dive into the streaming behaviors of Black, Hispanic, and Asian CTV audiences and how their preferences differ from the general population. Part II of the series uncovers CTV usage and preferences of Hispanic Americans.

Among the report’s findings:

  • Streaming for all. 94% of Hispanic Americans have access to CTVs, and most prefer streaming一meaning CTV platforms are a strategic place to find Black viewers.

  • Multilingual experiences. While 69% of Hispanic CTV users prefer English TV content, 51% pay more attention to ads in Spanish, informing content vs. advertiser language strategies.

  • A diverse message matters. Two-thirds of Hispanic Americans value diverse content and prefer ads that portray diversity一showing the importance of diverse messaging and creative in both content and ads.

For more information on Part II of The Inclusive Screen Series on Hispanic CTV users, download the full report today!


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The Inclusive Screen: Asian Americans


And the Award Goes to…CTV!