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NBA Playoffs, NFL Draft Lead For TV Watch-Time

Welcome to our weekly snapshot of TV by the numbers, highlighting the most-watched shows and networks for April 24-30, with insights from Inscape, the currency-grade smart TV ACR data provider and data technology division of Vizio. Data is linear, live TV only and includes all episode types (new and reruns). Rankings are by percent share duration (i.e., time spent watching).

The NBA playoffs continue to hold court at the top of the program ranking, capturing 4.50% of all minutes watched April 24-30, a slight decrease from the previous week’s 5.53%.

Some additional insights about the top programming on TV:

  • The three-day 2023 NFL Draft takes second place, with 2.71% of watch-time, bumping NHL games (1.62%) to third place.

  • For the third week in a row, The Price Is Right takes No. 12 with 0.52% viewership share — the exact same as last week. The daytime stalwart consistently ranks in the top 20.

  • Inside the NBA saw the biggest week-over-week ranking increase, jumping to No. 22 from No. 38 previously, with 0.42% of minutes watched.

  • Other ranking newcomers include Law & Order (No. 17), The Golden Girls (No. 24) and NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt (No. 25).

With assists from NBA games and the NFL draft, ABC increased its viewership share to 7.49% from 7.34% previously, and remains in first place on the network ranking.

Additional insights around the most-watched networks from April 24-30:

  • While CBS and NBC retain their second- and third-place positions, respectively, both slightly increased watch-time: CBS accounted for 6.75% of minutes watched, up from 6.73% previously, while NBC had 6.08%, up from 5.73%.

  • Fox News, which stays at No. 4 week-over-week, saw a decrease in watch-time, down to 4.54% from 5.35%.

  • INSP was the sole week-over-week ranking newcomer, landing at No. 20 with 1.11% of minutes watched, driven primarily by reruns of Gunsmoke.