The Inclusive Screen: Black Americans – A Look into CTV Usage and Preferences


Black, Hispanic, and Asian Americans make up over a third of US adults (per MRI-Simmons), but adequate representation of diversity in media & advertising (both on-screen + behind the scenes) continues to be an elusive target. 

The Inclusive Screen Series is the next phase of LG Ad Solutions’ Diverse Voices initiative. In this three-part report, we dive into the streaming behaviors of Black, Hispanic and Asian CTV audiences and how their preferences differ from the general population. Part I of the series uncovers CTV usage and preferences of Black Americans.

Among the report’s findings:

  • Streaming for all. 93% of Black Americans have access to CTVs, and most prefer streaming一meaning CTV platforms are a strategic place to find Black viewers.

  • We all stream for the home screen. The TV home screen is the top content recommendation source for Black CTV users, giving brands another key way to reach Black audiences.

  • A diverse message matters. Most Black Americans value diverse content, and 69% prefer ads that portray diversity一showing the importance of diversity in both content and ads.

For more information on Part I of The Inclusive Screen Series on Black CTV users, download the full report FOR FREE today!

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Black, Hispanic, and Asian Americans make up over a third of US adults (per MRI-Simmons), but adequate representation of diversity in media & advertising (both on-screen + behind the scenes) continues to be an elusive target. 

The Inclusive Screen Series is the next phase of LG Ad Solutions’ Diverse Voices initiative. In this three-part report, we dive into the streaming behaviors of Black, Hispanic and Asian CTV audiences and how their preferences differ from the general population. Part I of the series uncovers CTV usage and preferences of Black Americans.

Among the report’s findings:

  • Streaming for all. 93% of Black Americans have access to CTVs, and most prefer streaming一meaning CTV platforms are a strategic place to find Black viewers.

  • We all stream for the home screen. The TV home screen is the top content recommendation source for Black CTV users, giving brands another key way to reach Black audiences.

  • A diverse message matters. Most Black Americans value diverse content, and 69% prefer ads that portray diversity一showing the importance of diversity in both content and ads.

For more information on Part I of The Inclusive Screen Series on Black CTV users, download the full report FOR FREE today!

Black, Hispanic, and Asian Americans make up over a third of US adults (per MRI-Simmons), but adequate representation of diversity in media & advertising (both on-screen + behind the scenes) continues to be an elusive target. 

The Inclusive Screen Series is the next phase of LG Ad Solutions’ Diverse Voices initiative. In this three-part report, we dive into the streaming behaviors of Black, Hispanic and Asian CTV audiences and how their preferences differ from the general population. Part I of the series uncovers CTV usage and preferences of Black Americans.

Among the report’s findings:

  • Streaming for all. 93% of Black Americans have access to CTVs, and most prefer streaming一meaning CTV platforms are a strategic place to find Black viewers.

  • We all stream for the home screen. The TV home screen is the top content recommendation source for Black CTV users, giving brands another key way to reach Black audiences.

  • A diverse message matters. Most Black Americans value diverse content, and 69% prefer ads that portray diversity一showing the importance of diversity in both content and ads.

For more information on Part I of The Inclusive Screen Series on Black CTV users, download the full report FOR FREE today!