Data Dose: NBC Wins Feb. Ad Impressions, Announces New Upfront Currency

In the event that you missed this week’s Data Dose newsletter (and if you did, why aren’t you a subscriber?), you’ll find those insights and charts included below. Interested in sponsoring future editions of Data Dose and/or want to see your own company’s data included as well? Drop us a line.

NBC Wins Gold, Says iSpot

NBCU – which just announced it will use iSpot as its ad currency by the May Upfronts – enjoyed the spoils of airing both the Olympics and Super Bowl in February. iSpot data shows that NBC was No. 1 overall among networks.

Apparel-ly, We Need More Kids Fashion Videos

Social video interest in fashion/apparel content surged in 2021 as shoppers turned to online shopping. According to Tubular Labs, social views spiked 40% year over year. Despite having the fewest number of videos available, children’s clothing ranked high in the number of actual views... indicating brands/creators may want to create more videos in the category to satisfy the apparent demand. 

Try These Earned Media Values On For Size

CreatorIQ's Tribe Top 10 measures the impact of social engagement with digital earned media for the brands mentioned, focusing on the beauty and fashion industry. The results below show the 8- and 9-figure earned media value bumps brands in the space get when influencers hype their products.

Canceling Cancellations

A rise in cancellations coinciding with a rise in premium streaming subscriptions puts emphasis on services either cracking down on sharing (Netflix) or introducing AVOD options (Disney+, HBO Max, etc.).
Source: Axios

Privacy, Please!

According to Cheetah Digital's 2022 Digital Consumer Trends Index, consumers are taking control over their personal data at rates higher than ever before. But the report also shows that they're willing to share some data in return for very specific benefits. The takeaway—give value to get value. Read More


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