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Brands Make The Move To Mobile; GoPro, Cabela’s and Superfeet Leverage Live Video On The Go

Technology never ceases to amaze me. The first computer took up an entire gymnasium, and now we all have that power in our pocket. And brands are leveraging it in any way possible, including live video e-commerce events.Live video has become an integral part of marketing strategies for brands and retailers like Adidas, Walmart, Cabela’s, The North Face, and others to connect with consumers on a more intimate, authentic level. Live video platforms like Brandlive are even launching mobile apps to help the industry broadcast live video from their smartphone on the go.“The new Brandlive mobile app opens up some new possibilities on how we connect with our partners by giving us more freedom on how and where we can go live to get them the education they need,” said Chris Naegele, Director of Global Education at GoPro. “We use our GoPro's to broadcast 99% of the time, but now that we can use our smartphone we have that much more flexibility."A recent study from Brandlive and IBM Cloud Video showed that 67 percent of marketers are planning to take live video beyond social platforms in 2018, and leverage it across their enterprises for training, sales meetings and corporate town halls, in addition to consumer events. “The mobile app will make it even easier to broadcast live video experiences across owned and operated channels and then distribute them across social media platforms, all from the palm of your hand,” said Fritz Brumder, CEO of Brandlive.