What Is Precise.AI And Why Does Consent Matter? Two Tech Founders Explain It To A Teenager

At Cannes, a lot of people talked to me about data and how they use it to “target” people or measure attention. Then I met with two tech founders that just announced a new company, Precise.AI, which is based on the idea of gathering data with people’s consent to make advertising better and fairer for people and companies that share data.

The tech they described is pretty complex, so it’s better for you to listen to the interview than for me to try and describe it here.

Beyond that, towards the end of this video, they give some great advice about learning from the past to be inspired and make cool stuff. They also talk about having a core philosophy, while being fluid and flexible about how you achieve goals.

Also, for this interview, I decided to try something pretty new. The transcript wasn’t working, so I looked back at the interview and realized that the people I talked to, Jesse Redniss and Adam Helfgott, founded an AI with a chatbox. So, I asked the chatbox some questions. You can see the answers below the video.

Precise.AI founders give great advice and explain data privacy

Rio Damata: What is Precise.AI?

Precise.AI: Hey there! I'm Bob, the solutions engineer at Precise. Here's a quick rundown of what Precise.ai is all about:

  • Core Focus: We specialize in leveraging first-party and private data sets for the ad tech ecosystem, emphasizing data privacy and regulatory compliance.

  • Main Products:

    • Precise Data: Data onboarding services that function like a cleanroom, ensuring seamless and efficient data integration.

    • Precise Consent: Tools for managing user consent, ensuring compliance with global privacy regulations.

    • PreciseDSP: Helps activate media using your first-party and private data sets.

  • Innovative Approach:

    • Contextual Value Attribution: A unique model that evaluates the specific value of each dataset, ensuring fair compensation and enhanced targeting precision.

    • Federated Learning: Enhances data privacy by keeping data local while learning from it collaboratively, reducing the risk of data breaches.

  • Partnerships:

    • Qonsent: For dynamic data collection and preference management.

    • Valence: For federated machine learning and data enablement.

  • Customer Benefits:

    • Paid data onboarding

    • Insights from a data network

    • Compliance with regulatory standards

Rio Damata: Who are Jesse Redniss and Adam Helfgott ?

Precise.AI: Jesse Redniss

  • Role: Co-Founder and CEO at Qonsent

  • Background: Jesse has a rich history in data strategy and media innovation. He focuses on data privacy and consumer engagement, making sure that the data collected is both compliant and valuable for targeted advertising.

Adam Helfgott

  • Role: Founder of Precise.ai

  • Background: Adam is a serial entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience in building tech companies. Before Precise.ai, he co-founded Madhive, an AdTech company valued close to a billion dollars. His work involves integrating federated data management with value attribution models, ensuring regulatory compliance and enhancing audience segmentation through AI-driven method

Rio Damata: What do Jesse Redniss and Adam Helfgott do at Precise.AI?

Precise.AI: Hey there! Here's what Jesse Redniss and Adam Helfgott do:

Jesse Redniss

  • Role: Co-Founder and CEO at Qonsent

  • Focus: Data strategy and media innovation, particularly in data privacy and consumer engagement.

Adam Helfgott

  • Role: Founder of Precise.ai

  • Focus: Overseeing the integration of federated data management with value attribution models, ensuring compliance with privacy regulations, and enhancing audience segmentation through AI-driven methods.


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