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Watch Alan Wolk Explain TVREV to a Teen

Everyone knows Alan Wolk as the man who coined the term FAST, or the guy who gives funny anecdotes in every column and interviews people and help them say things simply. But now, this time, I got to interview him on what’s like being the the co-founder and lead analyst of TVREV. We got to discuss the company's role in the television industry and how TVREV navigates the intersection of streaming and advertising, providing insights and strategies through articles, reports, speeches, and panels. Alan also shares valuable advice for newcomers in the field, emphasizing the importance of adaptability and expertise in emerging technologies like AI which i used to get this transcript cleaned up.

Rio Damata: What's your name and what do you do for a living?

Alan Wolk: My name is Alan Wolk, and I am the co-founder and lead analyst at TVREV.

Rio Damata: And what is TVREV?

Alan Wolk: TVREV is an analyst firm for the television industry. We cover the intersection of streaming and advertising.

Rio Damata: By covering the intersection of streaming and advertising, what does that mean?

Alan Wolk: It means we write articles, create reports, give speeches, and run panels about the major developments in streaming TV and how they relate to the advertising industry. We help companies in the streaming business understand how to monetize through advertising.

Rio Damata: How can people access TVREV?

Alan Wolk: We have a website that's free to access. We also have a newsletter that goes out five times a week, each day covering a different topic, and that's also free. You can subscribe to the newsletter at or visit the website. We also have a significant presence on LinkedIn.

Rio Damata: How does TVREV put people on the map?

Alan Wolk: We do Q&A articles and have a program called the Thought Leader Circle. It's a content marketing program where members can publish their content on TVREV, whether it's articles or videos. We distribute this content through our newsletter, which reaches almost 60,000 people, and on LinkedIn, where we have almost 300,000 followers. Our audience is about 50/50 between advertising professionals and those involved in content creation or distribution. It's a high-level audience, with 24% having C-level titles and 13% being CEOs or founders.

Rio Damata: By C-level, you mean?

Alan Wolk: Titles like Chief Technology Officer, Chief Revenue Officer, Chief Operating Officer, etc. The number of these titles keeps expanding.

Rio Damata: What advice do you have for people who are up-and-coming in this field?

Alan Wolk: Don't get discouraged and always keep evolving. It's important not to get stuck in a role you're comfortable with without looking at what's next. Everything is changing quickly, so you always need to be aware of future trends. For instance, if I were starting out, I'd focus on becoming an expert in AI, as it's going to be the next big thing.

Rio Damata: How does AI impact TVREV?

Alan Wolk: At TVREV, we use AI for creating visuals with tools like DALL-E. I also use AI to proofread content and sometimes to help decide between two headlines for an article. It can offer valid opinions, which I sometimes agree with and sometimes don't, but it's like having another person to consult with.

Rio Damata: That's interesting. Thank you very much for your time.

Alan Wolk: Thank you.