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Travel Audiences Love The Beach

In the last year, COVID restrictions on traveling have all but cleared up. People are getting back to vacationing like usual, and they’re watching YouTube to decide where to go. A new Tubular Labs infographic on travel shares trends around viewership and consumer behaviors, including the insight that travel audiences are watching a lot of videos about beaches and national parks – commanding a majority of supply compared to other videos in the category.

Some additional findings from Tubular:

  • YouTube views about travel topics are up 29% year-over-year (looking at Oct. 2020-21 vs. Oct. 2021-22).

  • Men account for 69% of YouTube travel viewing, with the 25-to-34 year-old bracket accounting for the largest share at 21.7%.

  • Those that watch travel videos also love to do their research – they are 4.5x more likely to watch Travel TV and 3.8x more likely to watch content on Landmarks.