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LG’s Tony Marlow On Why Advertisers Are Choosing CTV Over Linear

In this Innovator Spotlight video from our Special Report FASTs Are The New Cable, Part 2: Advertising, LG Ad Solutions CMO Tony Marlow discusses why advertisers are starting to make CTV their primary buy and how smart TV OEMs are giving them the data to supplement the emotional connection they get from the “sight, sound and motion” of TV.

The reason why CTV inventory is so valuable is because it's still that sight, sound, and motion that we've always known and loved about television.

It’s all happening on the biggest screen in the home, but now it's much more addressable.

That means the ads are more relevant, the measurement is more actionable, and it's not just spray and pray like linear television used to be.

I would posit that traditional linear TV is well acknowledged for the power of branding.You hear advertisers talk about the power of sight, sound, motion. This is how you make your connection with an audience.

The CTV environment is effective for the full breadth of the funnel. And by that, I mean any part of the funnel that you choose.

So if you’re a brand marketer, you're trying to drive awareness. Maybe you're launching a new product, maybe you're just trying to shift favorability—your ads are going to be the sort of top of funnel initiative that brands have traditionally turned to TV for.

But what's new now is the ability to dive deeper into the funnel to be able to do direct response campaigns, to be able to leverage advanced creative execution such as QR codes, shoppable ad units—all directly within the ad experience.

Add some of the native options that are available too, and now you're talking about a medium that has appeal to both brand marketers and direct response marketers across the full range of the funnel—And what you need to do here is to put the audience at the center of it.

So you need to be relevant. That’s where we can look at ACR data as one way to say, “okay, we can understand what viewer habits are important here. Do you look at content viewership and ask “Is that a sports fan, is that a movie fan?” In terms of the audience itself, you can ask questions such as “Has this audience seen my competitors ad? Have they seen my ad too many times?” and make adjustments that way.

What I’m essentially is that CTV is a medium that works for everyone, so it’s really a matter of understanding how you can leverage his new, more malleable version of TV to make a more meaningful connection.

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