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CPG Advertisers Risk Missing Out If Ignoring LGBTQ+ Support

The latest Revry-Nielsen study offers crucial insights into the purchasing behaviors and brand loyalties of LGBTQ+ consumers in the grocery and household items market. As TV advertisers navigate an increasingly complex media landscape, these findings provide a strategic roadmap for connecting with an audience that not only values representation but demands it.

The data is striking: Over 69% of LGBTQ+ consumers are more likely to try grocery or household products from brands that visibly support the LGBTQ+ community. This statistic alone should compel advertisers to rethink their strategies, especially in the CTV environment where targeting capabilities are more sophisticated and viewer engagement is higher. LGBTQ+ consumers are not passive recipients of advertising; they are active decision-makers who gravitate toward brands that align with their identities and values. This is a market segment that responds to visibility, and advertisers who understand this dynamic stand to gain substantial brand loyalty.

Another critical insight from the study is the impact of inclusive advertising. Approximately 66% of LGBTQ+ viewers reported being more inclined to purchase from brands that advertise in LGBTQ+ inclusive programming. In the CTV space, where content can be curated to reflect viewer identities, the importance of clear representation is even more pronounced. It’s not enough to simply include LGBTQ+ themes or characters—media must be seen to resonate on a deeper level with this audience.

The study also reveals that LGBTQ+ consumers are highly engaged with content that reflects their values, particularly on CTV platforms where viewing is often intentional and uninterrupted. Ads in the Grocery and Household category achieved an average completion rate of 99.18%, surpassing Revry’s benchmark of 95%.

This level of engagement indicates that when LGBTQ+ consumers see themselves and their values represented in advertising, especially in a personalized CTV experience, they not only pay attention—they take action. Targeted messaging led 40% of viewers to seek more information about a product, and 20% went on to make a purchase based on that advertising.

For TV advertisers, particularly in the CTV space, the implications are profound. In a fragmented media environment where capturing audience attention is more challenging than ever, the power of targeted advertising in an inclusive environment cannot be overstated. LGBTQ+ consumers are a loyal and influential market segment. Show up and support this community and you will see measurable results.

This report serves as a critical reminder that representation is not just a social good—it’s a business imperative. Advertisers who embrace this approach will enhance their brand’s visibility and build lasting connections with a consumer base that values consistent and frequent authenticity and inclusivity. 

The data is clear: Aligning with the values of LGBTQ+ consumers, particularly through the targeted media, is not just smart marketing—it’s essential for long-term success.