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AdLedger Explains CryptoRTB

Fraud is a growing issue for TV environments, and combating that requires new and unique solutions. AdLedger's CryptoRTB protocol addresses these industry-wide problems, bringing needed transparency to digital advertising.

In the video below, AdLedger Executive Director Christina Cacciapuoti explains more about CryptoRTB.

"CryptoRTB is an open technical standard that AdLedger has been working on for a while now. And it injects cryptography and blockchain into OpenRTB to achieve, in its first iteration, three key goals.

The first one is to establish immutable identities for the parties to an ad transaction. So the same way that when you're surfing the web and you go onto, you know for sure that you're on and you're not wondering if you're on some kind of imposter Amazon, the way that sometimes we worry about fraud and advertising.

The second goal is to improve the chain of custody and the visibility around my chain of custody. So once we have the identity for one party to another transaction, we can link them together and create a chain, which is great for things like reconciliation, but also has implications for privacy and consent strings and compliance with a lot of the legal regulations.

And the third goal is around the way that we access and validate data around the supply chain. So for example, creating mechanisms that empower publishers to encrypt their first party data so that only certain parties downstream can decrypt that data."